In form of software development kits (SDK) or data sets we offer the following resources:
- Language independent morphology component (Finite State Morphology) in C++; very high processing speed; it is able to transfer inflected forms into base forms with inflectional information and vice versa. Example: "He runs" <-> "run, 3rd person singular present tense indicative".
- Morphological data for German and English (optimal for use with the finite state morphology engine); about 50 000 base forms for both languages.
- Synonym dictionaries in German and English (with relations like is-a, part of, element of, antonym of). Most synonyms are furnished with context information so that equivalent phrases can be generated automatically. For example the meanings of "bank" can be distinguished from each other by requiring that in the context appears word A OR B AND NOT C (as well as indirect subordinate terms of these words) in any combination of the logical expressions. Thus we can offer what is presumably the most precise synonym dictionary for German.
- Tagger, disambiguation (reduction of ambiguities), decomposition in phrase structures (e.g. for rephrasing the sentence / changing the word order) in German and English
- Generation of standard formulations from a multitude of possible formulations by replacing synonyms, substitution of parts of the sentence / paraphrasing, word order changes. Applications: chat robots, e-mail forwarding systems (only for the standard formulation the reply has to be specified), automatic question answering (call center, online support), automated phone inquiry systems.
Each of the SDKs will be supplied as a library (LIB / DLL) with documented header files for software development. It is possible to use our components from other programming languages such as Java, Smalltalk, C, PHP, Perl, Basic, Fortran, Cobol. The libraries are available for all popular operating systems, in particular for MS-Windows and various UNIX derivates.
Compris Intelligence GmbH
Rheingönheimer Str. 79
67065 Ludwigshafen am Rhein
phone: (+49) 0700-COMPRISTel (0700-26677478)
fax: (+49) 0700-COMPRISFax (0700-26677473)
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