Internet development
Our particular strength is the intelligent evaluation of data, in particular from web forms. We develop and advise you in various Internet technologies:
- Interactive web pages (web forms connected to databases): We can transfer any kind of commercial forms into an intranet or onto the Internet and can evaluate these with a high degree of automation. Consequently, this combines many processing steps and reduces costs. Even checks for consistency and plausibility can be carried out automatically in most cases.
- Search engine technology (in particular intelligent question answering )
- Handling / accounting / presentation of orders, work loads, scheduling, offers, social security data, tax / balance sheet data
- Clear and structured presentation of extracted content
- Meta search engines
- News digest
- The associated web page development and graphical design
- Automated questionings over the Internet (by e-mails and web forms)
- Shop systems (set up of standard solutions as well as individual adaptations)
We pay special attention to secure data transfer over the Internet, the reason for this being the importance of personal data remaining secure. Therefore we use only the best of known encryption solutions like RSA, Twofish, IPsec as well as our TextHide (for hiding data in text).
Compris Intelligence GmbH
Rheingönheimer Str. 79
67065 Ludwigshafen am Rhein
phone: (+49) 0700-COMPRISTel (0700-26677478)
fax: (+49) 0700-COMPRISFax (0700-26677473)
Internet: www.compris.com
Information & Questions: products@compris.com